
Our Courses

PHP Fundamentals Course 2022
A course that offers exciting opportunities for trainees to discover more about PHP programing language.
Linux Fundamentals Course 2023
A training course for passionate young talents who want to learn more about Linux.

Our Programs

Professional Sponsorship
Educating the young generation of professional knowledge and skills, through contests, talk shows, and teaching classes,...
Career Fair
Offering job insights, career orientation, and exciting activities for university students.
Company Tour
Delivering practical experiences for freshers, gaining more insights on what a day working at Cốc Cốc is like.


All free
The courses and programs of Cốc Cốc are totally free for youngsters to join.
Offline or Online
Cốc Cốc usually holds the courses/ programs offline to deliver the most practical experiences to participants. However, Cốc Cốc may adjust to online courses/programs, to fit the circumstances.
Besides delivering experiences through programs and knowledge through courses, you will also get the opportunity to be an 'explorer', accompany Cốc Cốc to further develop the brand that's proud to be 'Make in Vietnam'.

Discover your best
at Cốc Cốc!

Chance to 'Discover your best!' is what Cốc Cốc offers you through courses and programs, as the young and talented future of Vietnam.

Guiding by Cốc Cốc 'explorers', who are experienced professionals, and great motivators - Cốc Cốc courses and programs can be the start of your real-life working experiences:

  • Having a clear career direction
  • Learning deep insights into the work
  • Working on practical cases

To start a wonderful career ahead, are you ready to discover your best self now with Cốc Cốc?

More about Cốc Cốc
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