Ask a Senior - 18/11/2021

Revelation of the "Million Bucks" Content career

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Ms. Cham Nguyen is currently the Content Team Leader of Cốc Cốc. At the company, when mentioning Ms. Cham, she will be remembered with many nicknames, such as: The Queen of Content, The Master of Language, The Lord of Rhymes,... because she ensures the advertising content of Cốc Cốc will always be "quality” but never without “quantity”. Moreover, she is also the one who guides the way for Content newbies, who have just joined Cốc Cốc, spreading the inspiration to all of them to be “playing” with her in the space of advertising content creation.


A quote from Ms. Cham: “When you are a Leader, responsibility and duty are the two things not to be selling apart =)))”.


And if you are "Wowed" by the advertising content on Cốc Cốc Browser, you are probably impressed by the “creations” of the team that follows Ms. Cham. But you will be even more surprised to know that Ms. Cham has a very impressive CV with professions that are not associated with words, until she accompanied Cốc Cốc and had a "long-term love" with the writing content profession.

Continuing the journey to Ask a Senior, let's discover the story of "conceiving words" and "giving birth to content" - learning about the Content Writer career with Ms. Cham and Cốc Cốc right now!



Can you introduce a little bit about yourself, as well as the story of your "love story" with your Content Writer career?


Hi everyone, I'm Cham Nguyen, the Content Team Leader of Cốc Cốc. To be more intimate, I am often called by the name: Cham Mit :D


People often have a joke: "the profession chooses you, not you choosing it, but definitely, nobody chooses to work", but I have been with Cốc Cốc for nearly 5 years =))) From a student choosing Interior Design, working with Graphics after graduation, and swimming in “clothes” as a fashion store manager, I’m currently enjoying the position of Content Team Leader at Cốc Cốc.


Starting from the big and round ZERO, I have ”evolved” in both my look and experience, and by now, I'm what they called a Content Team Leader. Many efforts may not always bear fruits, but my efforts bring me many opportunities: From my work attitude, positive learning, strict self-discipline, focusing on connecting with other colleagues from day one, and not being afraid to take on new challenges. All of these things have brought me to where I am today. So that I thank the “yesterday me” for working really hard ❤️


An excited Cham when thinking of new ideas for content

In your opinion, what skills are needed to become a Content Writer? And can you share more clearly what tasks a Content Writer at Cốc Cốc will need to take on?


In this position, in my opinion, the skill to grasp the insight of your customers in each industry respectively, is the one to be most important. Doesn’t matter if your writing is good or bad, but you have to write it  RIGHT and ENOUGH for the customers.


As a Content Writer, in addition to handling tasks related to keyword planning, writing advertising content for all forms of advertising on Cốc Cốc Browser, we also support other teams when needed. For example, we support optimizing the advertising campaign of the Advertising Operation team or helping the B2B team rebuild the website. And everything CONTENT related that we can help ^^


Compared to the current market, the position of Content Writer in Cốc Cốc has more specific characteristics. Content writing is mainly focused on forms of advertising. And generally speaking about Content Writing, it’s diverse: different advertising platforms will need their own different and appropriate content. But unless you are a "freelancer", then you are free to struggle and choose. Because when you don't belong to anyone, you are the most "beautiful"!


Challenges are everywhere, always. Not only must you always renew your style every day, update trends regularly, have a rich vocabulary, use "72 magical transformations" to write 10 sentences with the same idea, and vice versa. Therefore, the biggest challenge here is that you must always be creative non-stop and not only "creative", do it with all time you have :)))


Personally, Content Writing is attractive to me because of its ever-changing nature. Each word written shows personality, thoughts, and lifestyle at a certain time. Just like painting, you choose your composition colors, express your mood and style at the moment you paint. To bond and develop in this profession, besides the choice of the company with great benefits, you will also need to grow, be exposed to many different writing styles and subjects for each industry, corresponding to each type of advertisement. Not to mention a lot of job opportunities, the “teachers are more than students” situation out there, and the rapid growth of the digital age and different entertainment platforms are there to be your advantages.



As a "skilled" Content Writer and have achieved certain successes in your career, can you share your thoughts on the future of the profession and give some helpful suggestions for youngsters who are also pursuing it?


As I mentioned above, with the explosion of social networking platforms into the world right now, Content Writers are and will be having a lot of oppoturnities to showcase their talent. It is predicted that the future for you will be even richer than ever. In addition to Content Writer, positions like Content UI/UX are also a very "hot" topic in the market.


Think about it, is there any profession that does not need Content? Even teachers still need their content in the lesson plans. So the secret to developing and improving yourself every day when you want to pursue this career is: Determine what platform would you like to write on? Regularly updated with new trends and writing styles. Read a lot and read selectively. Join relevant groups. Actively learn more necessary knowledge such as design, marketing...


And the most important thing is: If you're young, just do it, challenge yourself more, actively take the tasks, edit a lot, and maybe your first contents are "cheap", but remember, your personality is not cheap. No one is strong at the beginning, and life isn’t going to be easy!




Ask a Senior - The series Cốc Cốc “Seniors” share their expertise and direction of career development for youngsters, helping them to have more inspiration to build the career path up ahead.
