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“If you had a wooden table, what could you use it for?” Try listing and categorizing the new ideas you come up with in 5 minutes. We are all too familiar with IQ and EQ tests, but have you ever heard of CQ - Creative Intelligence?
CQ - Creative Quotient (Creative Intelligence/Creativity Index) is one of the new measures in efforts to discover the limitless potential of each person's intelligence, besides familiar indicators such as IQ, EQ. (Emotional Intelligence), SQ (Social Intelligence), AQ (Intelligence to overcome difficulties). In 2004, a group of Australian research scholars (Allan Snyder, John Mitchell, Terry Bossomaier, Gerry Pallier) defined creative intelligence as "the ability to quickly connect clearly disparate ideas into a new and reasonable whole”.
Read this far, do you have the answer for the different uses of the wooden table? See if you have more than the ideas listed below
- Making furniture: dining table, bed, shelf, study table, dividing space boundaries...
- Making fuel/materials: firewood, cutting boards, matches…
- Make shelters: roofs, fences…
- As a place of communication: Stage, podium...
So what is the "selling point" of humans when artificial intelligence is "invading the world"?
Improve your creativity with these 2 “old but gold” methods below. Maybe these methods you have applied every day without realizing ^^
I. Associative Thinking connects random and similar things
Have you heard of things like Pizza com tam, dragon fruit bread? It seemed that the different ingredients haven’t relevant, but they turn out to be a unique combination. This method will help us innovate an existing product by following these steps:
1. Select typical subjects
2. Choose 3, 4 random objects
3. List some selected object characteristics
4. Combine features with a typical audience
5. Select possible combinations
For example, we need to update the power bank
3 random objects: Fan, flashlight, rose
Few features:
- Fan: cool, lots of wind
- Flashlight: bright, compact,
- Rose: fragrant, colorful
Combined with the battery charger:
- Power bank with mini fan, scented
- Power bank with colorful flashlight
- Power bank with fan, travel friendly
Associative thinking helps us connect creative “spots” together. Nothing impossible.
II. Inverse thinking helps us “think outside of the box”
Our brain is "lazy", if not practiced every day, it will "go back" to the old paths. Try reversing the problem you are having: Ask the question "How to get bad skin?" instead of “How to have bright skin?”
- Stay up late, smoke
- Eat lots of sweets
- Not taking care of your skin with the right products
- Do not wash your face with a cleanser
Now reverse your problem? Have you found the answer to the question "How to have bright skin"? It's easier to break or smash something than to create a new habit!
You can take the mini quiz below to see how creative you are! Don't think of this as a test, feel free to do it like solving a math exercise. Hopefully, each Cốc Cốc-ers will have many "Eureka" moments to improve the product day by day - helping Vietnamese people more easily access resources in the digital world.
Find out your CQ score at this LINK.
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